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Struggling with what to do next in your editing business?
Join the private online community just for yarn pattern editors and get unstuck, inspired, and motivated!

Wouldn’t it be amazing to be in a place where people understand you and your work, where you could get help to solve problems in your editing and in your business?

We need each other.

When you have colleagues to conference with, to tap into for knowledge bits you are short on, you become a better editor. 

Once you make lasting connections with other people doing the same specialized client work, you’ll gain more clients, rapidly widen your skill base, and never feel alone.

Hi, I am Sarah Walworth.

I am the owner of the Tech Editor Hub and a pattern grader and instructor as well as the co-author of The Knitting Pattern Writing Handbook. 

As a new editor, I loved editing, but I didn’t know anything about how to run an editing business or have the confidence I was editing well. 

I was discouraged and stressed until I joined a group of peers where I could get my questions answered, and that changed everything. I built a successful business with 100+ clients and a full editing schedule, and all this growth started with getting connected.

You may be thinking:

Do I really need another thing to join, another thing to do? 

Can't I just market myself more and study more? 

I am here to tell you that you can’t do this by yourself. It's just a fact, an individual editor can't know it all, can’t be it all, can’t do it all. 

Why we need each other
I was working on an exceptionally complex pattern and just couldn't wrap my head around how to visualize the (many) short rows I needed to check. 

I tapped into my network of editing friends and got not one, but two different ways to work through the math both in a spreadsheet and drawing it out. 

Could I have Googled that? No! That kind of knowledge comes from super smart people figuring out how to apply their skills to editing, not anywhere else.

While I benefited from their experience, it didn't go one way. I later was able to help them in other ways when they got stuck in a project. 

What I have learned is that to be really good at this job of editing patterns, you have to have colleagues, workmates, people who are doing the same job but in a different city, and maybe even in a different country. Collectively, we have this mass of knowledge, mass of experience, and what you are struggling with may be something that is really easy for someone else and likewise. 

By connecting in a private and safe space, you can actually go farther and get to your goals faster.
Sara Greer
Azariah's Fibre Arts

I didn't know where to start to make this tech editing real. I had the emails for jobs from the Hub but didn't know what else to do. I am hopeful about this tech editing thing now. Join us. These people are encouraging, helpful, friendly and welcoming.

Sarah Endres

 I never expected to have colleagues when I set out to become a tech editor, but the Tech Editor Hub has become like a proverbial water cooler to gather round and chat, share resources, and encourage each other. It's become an invaluable resource for me.

Engage in a new type of community

Since you are reading this, either you are

… a crochet or knitting pattern tech editor that is just getting started and you want to build up a great editing business, but you want like more information on how other people have made this work, or

…a more experienced pattern tech editor who would love to have a place to talk shop with other editors and get tips on improving your skills and business. 

Whether you are a new or experienced tech editor, this Community will help you get what you are after in both your business and your editing life.

The Tech Editor Hub Community
When you join

You will get an invitation via email to a private Mighty Network. 

This community space is not on any social media and is a standalone website and mobile app. It is available on your desktop and on any phone or tablet, after downloading the Mighty Network app.

Each space within of the Tech Editor Hub Community is specially designed to serve you the tech editors in different ways, with the ultimate goal of connection, collaboration, and helping each other succeed in our businesses and life as an editor. 

Community Essentials

A moderated forum and chat available 24-7 to post questions in and discuss your work and your problems, as well as a chat to talk about the life of editing patterns. Got a problem while you are working on something? Jump onto the app and see what we can do for you.

Monthly roundtable/Q&A session. Join your colleagues in this structured live session to actively get your questions answered not just by me, but by other editors. Offer a hand and your insight. Here's some of the topics we have already covered (available on replay!): Not getting patterns on time, how to best market yourself, resources for learning, tech editing while working full time, training your brain to be ready to edit, long-term clients, firing a client, losing clients when raising rates.

An exclusive and growing topical resource library on things such as crochet and knitting-specific editing tips, business and marketing, plus resources on the variety of things we edit from socks to garments to toys. 

Robust search function and highlighted hashtags. Let's say later you have a question about something specific, and you want to find out what people have shared about this topic before. Everything shared everywhere within the community is searchable and we curate a list of hashtags to enable easier tagging of the frequently occurring conversation topics.

The Better Editor Framework

In 2023 I began to create the Better Editor Framework, six modules with more than 15 lessons that take you through building a strong foundation in your editorial business. 

The Framework has the most important lessons on building a great service-based business. You'll learn:

The key things to have set up in your back office to make your workflow smooth and less stressful,

How to handle the inevitable mental blocks of perfectionism, procrastination, and lack of confidence in your skills,

How to land and retain excellent clients, and set up a marketing plan that is achievable and not an endless overwhelming admin task,

How to make a plan to ramp up your skill levels to broaden your marketability and client base,

How to expand your services to diversify your income with an eye on scaling your business.

The Framework covers a lot of ground! If you take the time to go through each lesson, you will come out on the other side with so many ideas and action steps to take, as well as the confidence that, yes, you can do this.

The Tech Editor Hub provides an invaluable space for connection and continued learning. A resource for topics related to our work as tech editors as well as the running of a small business, I have gained so much from being a member of this community. With tech editing being solitary in nature, it’s so nice to have the Hub as a place to connect and support one another in our work. 

Jen Hurley 
- Rainy Day Knits

But wait, there's more!

I want to take you beyond just knowing and learning things and help you to move right into working in and on your business. So here are a few more things I have planned as bonuses to assist you:

BONUS #1 is all about making progress in and on your business. Every week there will be two quiet co-working sessions at different times to help you be accountable to yourself for a dedicated working time to move forward on one or two actions items on your list.

BONUS #2 is all about connecting and learning together. Every month I will host a guest speaker live, either a member of our community or someone in our industry to talk about something important just to us editors and also answer your questions. The sessions will be recorded and stored in the community, so you can revisit them as much as you want.
17 Workshops are currently on replay including: Editing socks, banishing self-doubt, client relationships, being a neurodiverse entrepreneur, streamlining your content creation, marketing yourself on Instagram, navigating business challenges, creating style sheets with your clients, legal issues for editors, supporting design innovation.
Workshops that are planned for 2024: Editing crocheted socks, diversifying your services as a virtual assistant, how to know grading is right for you, thriving in the current state of the fiber industry and more!

BONUS #3 is all about networking with other editors. There are times in our business where we need to find other editors, either to edit our pattern writing for clients or to build a team for a larger project, or maybe just to pass on work that we don't want to take on. We have a Bulletin Board space just for this!

BONUS #4 is all about taking care of our newbies. When you are just getting started, there are things that you want to ask but maybe feel like it is too small, too simple of a question. Not anymore! We have all been there and we know what it is like when you don't quite have your feet under you. So the New Editor space has resources dedicated to beginning, and also a place to post questions and get help right when you need it from more experienced editors.

A special note about the culture within in the TE Hub Community

This is a special place on the internet: a safe place to let your editor-ness, your nerdiness, your obsession about the craft you love hang out and fly free.  It's a fun, friendly, open and accepting place.

Drama, jealousy, me-first attitude and negativity is not allowed in this Community. 

This community is not for you if you think doing and achieving a certain status in our industry is best done by yourself, or if you are someone that doesn't need others to do your work. It's not for you if you are not interested in helping out your fellow editors.

Before I joined I was ready and determined to grow but had a lot of self-doubt. The community has been giving me the courage to do things in my business that I thought I couldn’t. I feel supported and excited to learn more things that will make running my business easier. If you are considering joining, realize it’s more than just networking. There’s great value in the workshops and resources.

Nicky Jensen
~ Handknits & Hygge

Who this Community is for:

Crochet pattern technical editors

Knitting pattern technical editors

Book editors

Magazine editors

Managing editors 

Who this Community is not for:

Pattern designers who only design, but not edit 

Book publishers

Aspiring tech editors

Yarn company owners

Pretty much, if you edit any kind of yarn pattern, I would love to have you!

So what is this going to cost me?

Your investment as a member of the TE Hub Community is just 

$47 per month as a recurring subscription 


$470 for the first year paid in full 

(get two months for free!)

If you join now, this price is locked in for as long as the Community exists and you remain a member; what you pay won't ever change. 

As more resources get added and the community expands, the price will go up. 

So are you in? For less than $2 a work day and less than a couple hours of tech editing work, you can have immediate access to other editors and a growing resource library, as well as accountability, support, encouragement and more. 

Click the button below to join me in the TE Hub Community.

You will have 14 full days from the day you purchase to explore and see if this whole thing is right for you. If you determine that it isn't, just contact me at and I will gladly refund your money and cancel your subscription. 

No hassles, no hard feelings.

This group is very willing to share information. If help is needed, someone will answer. I'm also a designer, and in the first few months of this community, I feel I have more in common with this editor community than with the designer communities I'm part of. I love how the term "colleague" is used in this community. Pleasantly, the community high level of professionalism and decorum. The willingness to share information and help has surprised me!

Yvonne Poon
- Gamer Babe Knits

Jump in now

. . .because I am only keeping member registration open for a short period of time.

Sign ups are only open until Wednesday, 3/20 at 12 pm CT and then registration closes.

However, if you miss out, don't worry! We'll be opening doors to new members again in a few months, and you'll have a chance to join again in the future. 

If you're not ready, then maybe another season will be better for you. 

If you are ready to 

  • make lasting connections with other editors, 
  • work without fear, 
  • do the work to get more clients, 
  • and increase your skills 
  • and the number of profitable jobs you take on, 

then your next step is to click the button below to become an important member of the Community for $47 per month or $470 per year. 

Frequently asked questions
  • Will this replace the free Facebook Group?
    No, the FB group will remain an active place for people who want to join and engage on that platform, especially designers looking for editors or people exploring the idea of becoming an editor.
  • Can I join if I haven't taken any courses in the Tech Editor Hub?
    Of course! If you are a working technical editor for crochet/knitting patterns, you are welcome! I don't care where or how you got your training, and no admission is based on how experienced you are. This community is for all of us who are looking to elevate the quality of patterns and get better at our job.
  • I am not a technical editor yet but am thinking about it. Can I still join?
    This space is for people who have already been trained and are actively working as pattern technical editors. If you are not there yet, check out our Learn to Tech Edit Courses and ask questions in the free Facebook Group. When you are taking on clients, come on in!
  • Will this be a place to find clients?
    There is a dedicated place (called the Bulletin Board) where editors who can't take on a job will be able to post for referrals, or ask for someone to work with them in a collaboration or on a project. Please note we have a strict "no promotions" policy within the group to protect our relationships with each other.

    If you are looking for a place to advertise to designers, you can join our free Facebook group and post on Saturdays. We will be covering how to find clients in future teaching sessions within the community.
  • Is this community for crochet and knitting designers?
    Nope. This space is for pattern technical editors only. We'll be discussing and learning only topics that relate to technical editing and the business of pattern editing. However, if you are working both as a designer and technical editor, you are absolutely welcome.

    To join a space that is specifically for designers and gives designer help, check out Anastasia William's Fiber Business Collective, Tian Connaughton's Pattern Partnership, and Jessica Brist's Pattern Design Circle.
  • What if I decide I don't want to be a member anymore?
    You can cancel your subscription at any time through your account with us, and your access will end at the beginning of your next payment cycle. There is no prorating of time left unused if you purchase an annual subscription. Also remember that everything you post and save in The Tech Editor Hub Community remains in the app, you can't take it with you.

In terms of technical editing, it felt a little like I was walking through a perpetual fog-- by myself. I loved being part of the Facebook community, and this seemed like a most excellent idea for feeling less isolated, and more part of a creative, supportive community. I am surprised at how amazingly proactive Sarah is. There is so much stuff to work through, great interviews, co-working, and more. It's more than I could have imagined. I feel more confident...I'm not flying by the seat of my pants as much as I thought I was.

Rachael Prest 
~ Rachael Prest Editing

FINAL NOTE on the big picture 

I am not some tech editing magician. I worked hard for 7 years to build my business and my editing specialty to eventually get a booked-out calendar. (I still get asked to edit and haven't taken on new clients in more than 2 years.)

And in the process, I have gathered a lot of experience that I want to share with you because I know what it is like to be isolated and struggling behind that computer screen. 

I want to help you succeed in the same way that I did, not by myself, but connected in a network of people who are all pulling for each other and helping each other, valuing community over competition. 

When we help each other move forward, ultimately our industry is better off. I've seen the result of this over and over; it works, being a part of something bigger smashes our lack of confidence, our fears, and our hesitation around our work. It builds us up to be around other people who truly understand what we experience being in the tech editor's seat. 

And in the process, we get better at taking care of our clients and then, guess what, patterns get better and better, designers fell supported and we have done something amazing to make all that happen. 

Now's your time, it's time to step up. 

Join us in the Community and say yes to being a part of something that is just beginning, but has the potential to make a huge impact on our industry. 

Click the button below and join me. This is your time, your special place, and I can't wait to see you in The Tech Editor Hub Community.

Contact information

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By checking here, you agree to receive emails from The Tech Editor Hub about your purchase, as well as our newsletter and other marketing information. Unsubscribe at any time.

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Subscription ($47/month)$47.00/mo
  • Preferred option
    Annual payment ($470/year)$470.00/yr

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xCommunity Membership$0

All prices in USD